Sunday, September 09, 2007

I'm in the midst of adjusting to having a life again. It's hard. I go to school five days a week. I'm on transit to get everywhere (school, Nessa's, places with Nessa, etc) it feels like eight days a week. And all this last week or so has been drama out the ass on top of it.

I almost broke up with the Boy and ignored him all week because of it, Nessa and her boy were broken up for like a day (we've become so close that's it's like your drama is my drama and mine is yours), I've been arguing with family and so has she, I've been trying to get photoshop for school only to have Adobe just completely ignore my student discount site request not even a denial ... blah!

I'm starting to understand that feeling of everything is a damn job. A bath I wanted to take to relax my legs (which are definitely starting to feel the physical stress of walking and catching buses to get everywhere) took fucking forty minutes and did nothing because I had to clean someone else's filth out of the tub and then I couldn't get the water to stop being cold, and the damn thing wasn't even relaxing. And then I had to clean for like three hours.

I'm only two weeks in and I already need a day to just not move and not do anything and I can't get it, and I know that when I do get that chance I'll use it to instead go do something insane with Nessa or maybe even The Boy and just injure myself worse.

In better news though, I was actually inspired by schoolwork to write something a bit crazy. Maybe I'll post it tomorrow.

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